Sarah Milcetic joined EC Wear in 2015, with the goal of helping Marija transform EC Wear to a new phase of sustainability (learn more about our goals on our Company History page).
Sarah is an EC’ing work-at-home-mom, who became interested in clothing designed specifically for ECing when she realized how cumbersome conventional baby clothes were for babies who needed frequent potty opportunities rather than infrequent diaper changes. Luckily for Sarah, Marija had paved the way!
Sarah studied website development prior to becoming a mother, and she has really enjoyed applying her passion for creating beautiful, functional websites for small businesses and nonprofits to EC Wear’s website.
Sarah’s EC Story:

Before my son was born, I assumed I would use cloth diapers until he was 2 or 3 years old. When he was about a month old, he started developing a diaper rash and I asked Marija if she had any advice for remedying the situation. Her advice, in short, was to stop relying on diapers full time. I had never heard of Elimination Communication and was in disbelief, but decided to give it a try. Within 24 hours, we were hooked. He picked up on the cue sounds immediately, and his first smile came after he peed in a potty. (And, of course, the diaper rash became a non-issue.)

Our biggest learning curve, was around how to dress our son and protect our furniture etc from misses. We experimented with the clothes we had and tried to adapt them but ultimately found that the designs Marija had created for EC Wear were a huge time saver and simplified the whole process. We relied on EC Wear’s Diaper Belts and Split Pants until our son was done with diapers.

When our daughter was born and a heat wave came on, we ended up leaving her naked for the first couple of weeks of her life, and really got a great EC connection going. Within a very short time, we nearly always had her on the potty with no misses.
By the time she was wearing clothes, Marija had added her latest design – the rECtangle™ – to EC Wear’s range. The rECtangle™ completed our EC-friendly clothing line up and ECing our daughter was even easier than the first time around with our son, largely because of the addition of the rECtangle™.
Depending on our child’s age and developmental stage, the weather, and where we were or what activity we were doing we have variously used all the different styles of clothes from Split Pants alone to Re-Ewes™ wool pants with a waterproof rECtangle™. We are looking forward to seeing what ECing a third child is like when our next baby is born in the spring of 2018. We were successful in using EC with our third child, while living in an off-grid RV and building a house!
You can leave a note below to welcome Sarah and introduce yourself too!