Cotton clothing is easy to wash and is available in the largest variety of cute, bright colors to mix and match with different outfits for elimination communication.
Cotton EC clothing and diaper belts can be machine washed and dried with your baby’s regular clothing laundry or with cloth diapers, with cold water because repeated hot wash will fade the colors.
Read on to learn about EC Wear cotton clothing options for elimination communication.
EC Wear’s signature split pants, L’il Baby Chaps™, have been made in a large variety of cotton solid colors and prints. Our cotton L’il Baby Chaps are soft and easy to wash.
Shop for cotton L’il Baby Chaps™
Cotton is a lightweight and breathable fabric that is easy to machine wash and dry. EC Wear Split Pants™ in cotton are great to use for diaper-free time, because easy washing is a great quality of cotton.
Shop for cotton EC Wear Split Pants
Before EC Wear started making diaper belts in cotton to match our cotton L’il Baby Chaps™ and EC Wear Split Pants they were not being made anywhere else. When we introduced them. Cotton diaper belts became very popular, and even more so after we created rECtangle Covers™ to complete the outfit. With the affordability of cotton, you can get a variety of colors of diaper belts to suit any occasion.
Our cotton rECtangles™ are made from one layer of cotton and one layer of PUL (pronounced “pull”, it stands for Polyurethane Laminate). What that means is polyester fabric laminated with waterproof polyurethane on the back. This is the top waterproof fabric choice for all cloth diaper manufacturers and home sewers because it is the safest, non-toxic option available. The cotton coordinates with our diaper belts and split pants.
rECtangles™ can be worn over L’il Baby Chaps or EC Wear Split Pants made of the same cotton fabric so they match, creating the appearance your child is wearing regular pants.
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